Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wide open spaces...

When you get off the beaten track and not another sole around, it is amazing.  There is nothing like travelling the wide open spaces and not seeing any other person around.  Granted alot of wild life but no people.  Alot of cows on the stations as you pass by.  Plus an odd cousin or two, but they seem to have fur and I only have plastic so not too sure on how that works...but I'm told they are a relative too.

A great day on the road but a long one of 619km's.......

Coming up to more cows....

Still not sure about all those cows trying to hide...

Andy Roo's Fact Finds:  Australia's largest Station is Anna Creek in South Australia.  It is roughly 34,000 squared km's, 6 million acres.  That is bigger than the country Isreal.  You could certainly get lost there....

We are off....7,000km to go...

The car was all packed, and only thing left for me was to be put in the car.  I've got pretty flexible limbs and don't take up much space, so I'm a compact traveller.  Here is me already to go...

Leaving sunny Cairns

Tucked in Safe and Sound

So where to first?  Well I had front row seat and got a little excited as we left Cairns, and this time wasn't travelling in a cardboard box to a new destination.  We headed south and for our first night camped at Reid River just before Charters Towers in QLD 395km from home.

Now I don't mind sharing when the full moon came up and the cows started mooing through the night I was a little scared but I wasn't alone, Phoenix (the dog and new brother was at my side) together with the rest of the I soon got to sleep and got ready for a new day....

Who is Andy Roo?

Andy Roo is a shy little fellow but with your help and his adventures I can see him overcoming that obstacle, and learning a little bit about the world along the way.

Rescued from the ‘specials’ bin in a tourist shop…by a father wanting a gift for his son.    I may or may not have kidnapped him because he was cute in own funny way and said I'd deliver said gift when I went to their home later on in the year (3,000kms away).

The problem???  I was having so much fun with Andy Roo I didn't want to give him up.  He become part of the family and we have seen some great things together, so thought I’d share.

Oh, you may also have noticed that Andy has a special package on board ‘a Joey’ but like this amazing world we live in ‘nothing is as it seems’.  Besides that Andy Roo was always going to be his name, he is just a very special roo!

Life is an adventure treasure it….…