Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Silverton or bust.

I'm a little cold sitting in the frost..but it is the first time I've seen it :)

Wholly dolly.  Now I come from Far North Queensland and when we woke up this morning there was FROST on the tent.  Yep, you heard me right, frost.  Oh my goodness it was cold.  Have any of you guys been in a frost before?  Wow, I was pretty cold but was brave and had my photo taken at the campground at Silverton because I've never seen it before and it was really cool.  :)

Old Church at Silverton
Silverton was named in 1883 because of the silver and lead ore miners found in the surrounding Barrier Range.  By the late 1880's the town's population expanded to 3,000 people.  Now it goes from 10 to 100, and not quite a ghost town, but has a lot of cool buildings that have been left from yesteryear that you can explore. 
An Australian classic movie 'Mad Max' was made out here too, and you can still see Mad Max's car in town.  It is one of those really cool, go fast one.  Yahoo.
Mad Max's car...classic Australian movie

It's a great little town to explore.

A nice cold beverage, or warm pie, it was a cold day.

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